#you should respect your elders DIB
hum-suffer · 8 months
We'll say hello again (Nevermind the chasm between us) 5
The first time she meets Bhairav, she's confused, irritated and worried. Of course, Amrendra is the reason of her worry altogether.
The boy had left the lunch table without explanation and Maa had asked Gauri and Bhalla to find him since she had a council meeting that was extremely important for her to attend and the guards had all reported him going to the courtyard.
Bhalla, never one to panic, devises a plan: he goes south, she goes north. The first one to find Amrendra has dibs to punch him.
Gauri finds Amrendra, obviously, because she's more aware than Bhalla is and knows how to ask for help. The pride men have has always confused her but she's not going to comment, it's not her care. She looks for Katappa, the sworn shield of Bahu, and finds her idiot brother there, sitting under a tree and talking to the soldier.
"Then the prince of Mahishamati commands you. Please, feed me, Mama." He is saying, this slip of a boy that is Gauri's elder brother. He doesn't know how to weild authority and all he ends up doing is looking childlike. It's pathetic in a sense that is amusing.
She thinks she needs to teach him to be better but what is Bahu if not sincere smiles and cringe worth lies?
Gauri smiles smugly as she approaches them. "Above that," she keeps her tone light but firm and clear and straightens her back even more,"The Princess of Mahishamati commands you. Indulge my brother and I."
Katappa looks flustered for a moment but before he can say anything else, another voice piques up.
"But we have so many vows, Princess," he says, sitting at a far corner and alone, his plate empty in front of him and a smirk on his pretty face,"Follow the orders from royals, maintain decorum, stay away from royals unless needed. Which one shall we follow?"
Gauri smiles at his audacity even as she sees Katappa trying to shush the boy. She leans towards him, maintains a respectful distance but lets him be the center of her attention. She tilts her chin as she speaks,"Which vow is more of a priority to you, soldier? Should you maintain a boring decorum or should you listen to your princess and spend time listening to her?"
The soldiers smiles back,"Why, what a fool I would be to choose anything but my princess."
"A fool indeed," Gauri says and leans back, going back to her brother's side. He scoots over without so much as a glance to her, attuned to her. Gauri feels eyes burning the back of her head for a moment before it's gone.
The triumphant smile doesn't leave her face until she's dragging Bahu away from Katappa and the boy, their shared plate in Bahu's hand and as soon as they're away from prying eyes, Gauri punches him.
Bhalla expresses his loud regret.
Gauri thinks the day couldn't have been better and thinks of the mouthy boy in the courtyard. She thinks of all the things she could have said instead but tries to sleep.
Sleep comes fitfully to her now. Without Bahu, she spends nights half waking and half sleeping. The castle walls see her more than her bedsheets do.
She closes her eyes with a smile. Mahadev, she prays, thank you for a good day.
It is the very next week that Gauri applies alta on her hands for the first time. It feels wonderful and even though she's barely 14, Gauri feels like she could close the world in her painted palms.
It took Maa six weeks to get convinced to allow Gauri to use alta but all that headache and pleading is well worth it. She applies it by herself, after her Shaashtra tests are done for the quarter year and while Bahu and Bhalla are sparring in the armoury yard.
She wants to do nothing more than lay down and open her hair to reduce the headache that is building in her mind but Bhalla promised to accompany her to the markets to buy anklets.
(Bahu should be coming too but that Maa's pet would tattle on their excursion and Maa would give them a lecture on how unsafe it is for them to wander markets and how they could just call the jewellers at the palace.
Gauri understands her, she does, but the jewellery they bring here is ostentatious and obnoxious and she likes to wander the markets even without cause.)
She closes her eyes and leans against the wall, trying to relax. The accessories in her hair pinch at her and she decides to hide all her hair accessories from her hand maidens. They go overboard these days.
However, just as she's beginning to relax, she hears a swish in the air and it's coming towards her. She opens her eyes just in time to see an arrow flying at her and ducks down, shooting her when upward to capture the arrow before it hits the wall.
It's pine wood, the arrow, so she knows it's not from her brother or cousin. They both use oakwood arrows. She looks up and Katappa is standing there with the boy who piques Gauri's interest even know, holding a bow and a quiver of arrows on his back. Bhalla is laughing beside the boy and Bahu is rushing towards her.
"I tried to stop Bhalla, but you know he has a bad sense of humour." Bahu says as a way of explanation. Gauri doesn't reply to him, already standing and beginning to walk towards the boy.
The boy lowers his eyes when she's near and kneels. Katappa knows the extent of Gauri's anger and begins to speak but the boy shoots his hand out and nudges Katappa's calf into silence.
"Rise," Gauri says as softly as she can. She's mad at Bhalla for the juvenile sense of humour that comes from putting people in danger and seeing their panicked looks, but she knows a soldier couldn't have very well disobeyed the prince of Mahishamati.
The boy rises instantly but keeps his head lowered. "My princess."
Her lips quirk in amusement despite her wishes to be stoic. His reverence as well as his audacity is interesting and curious. "My archer." She greets back as she extends the arrow still in her hands back to the boy who owns it. He hesitates only a moment before plucking it from her hands with the feather end but she sees it.
It's when he's putting it back in the quiver that she realises why he hesitated. Her alta is smeared all over the wood.
Thankfully, the alta in her hands is saved.
She gives the archer a sheepish smile. "May I know your name, archer?"
Still cautious of her ire, he speaks slowly. "Bhairavrath Prabhu, my princess."
"Thank you for alerting me, Bhairavrath." She says, because the swish of his arrow was obnoxious and obvious, before she swiftly turns to Bhalla and clenches her jaw,"I shall go to seek some rest away from unruly miscreants."
Behind her, Bahu snorts. Bhalla puts his sword back in his scabbard as he grins and begins to stalk towards her. "Miscreant?"
Gauri flashes a smile at Katappa, knowing he will have to chase them, and runs.
Bhalla catches up to her when she's trying to hide behind a Banyan tree.
He cages her in his arms and twirls her around in the air, as she's laughing and elbowing him to put her down.
"You should apologise to me!" She insists as he puts her down,"I could have gotten seriously hurt!"
Bhalla half shrugs, his arms still around her,"But you didn't. You're my clever little sister."
"I despise you," she says even as she hugs him back. He drops a kiss on her temple.
Bhalla laughs back and pinches her nose, knowing that she can't relatilate with her alta laid hands,"You could never, Gauri. You love me too much."
She can't refute him with words, so she elbows him.
The next day, Maa plans a royal family visit to the nearest Mahakaal temple for the Shiv Ratri celebration.
Gauri walks beside maa, while Bahu and Bhalla walk behind them. Uncle Bijjaldev has cited an ache in his hand and hence bailed.
"Your mother hated this colour," Maa says with a nostalgic smile. The saree Gauri is wearing is her favourite— yellow with some pink details on it. The fact that her mother disliked this colour makes her want to step back and ask Maa what should she do now because Gauri doesn't know an appropriate response to that.
As they toe off their shoes near the temple, Gauri absently gestures wildly and Bahu understands her even without eye contact. She hears him cajoling Bhairav and Katappa into the temple with them.
Maa continues,"You look a lot like her, you know? Everything except your eyes and ears, you get from her. Your eyes are your grandfather's." There kindness in Maa's words but the kindness stabs her all the same,"You've got a beautiful personality. Not like her, obviously, but beautiful. We all used to sit together and laugh at her enthusiasm of events. Her enthusiasm at getting dressed in these dark colours. She gifted me this saree."
The saree Maa is wearing is a deep purple, silk with golden embroidery at the helm, and Gauri knows that she won't ever be like her mother but will she ever be the reason of Maa's smile?
Because Maa only ever smiles so freely when she's with Bahu. Maa's smiles come to her with an association of her mother and Gauri loves her mother. She does.
But living in the shadow of a dead woman isn't the way she wants to be loved.
Close your eyes, Gauri hears as she enters the temple, and you will look like your mother.
Relaxed. Enchanting. Beautiful. Remembered. Blind. Dead.
Hide your ears, the voice echoes in her eyes as her feet are cooled by the slates in the temple, do not hear anyone, and you will look like your mother.
Elegant. Poised. Self confident. Dead.
It's robotic, the way she kneels down in front of the Shivaling and closes her eyes and bows her head so her hair cover her ears.
Do you think I'm good enough now, she wants to say, even if she knows maa never asked her to be better.
Gauri takes care to keep the kalash as near to the Shivaling as she can. The juvenile idea that too much height and force of milk will hurt the Shivaling lives in her mind. She doesn't voice it, she knows it's childish. It's better to be quiet than be laughed at.
As she pours kumkum laced water over the Shivaling, Gauri can't help but think Mahadev is crying the tears she can't.
Gauri stays behind after the puja.
Her classes for the day are cancelled and she wants nothing to do with the pressure that the palace comes with, while her brothers continue their arithmetic classes and Maa and uncle do whatever the governing requires.
She kneels on the ground at the backyard of the temple, guards posted at the front and sides of the temple to give her ample privacy as she closes her eyes.
If she isn't like her mother—enchanting, graceful, beautiful— and if she isn't like her Maa—smart, powerful, firm— what is she?
Bahu is like their father, everyone says. They're practically the same— same face, same gait, same morals and same smile.
(But he's not. Bahu has different smiles for different occasions, Bahu is loud when he's happy, he walks in a swagger when he's in a good mood and always puts his left foot first if he is upset. Bahu will taunt someone on their lack of talent but he will also risk his life for others. Bahu isn't the same as their father. Gauri shares the birth marks on her skin with her father— the same group of darker patches just below her left elbow that look like a splattering of ink. It's Bahu who has no birthmarks at all. It's Bahu, who has freckles dusting his back. It's Bahu, who almost always refuses to wear earrings because he doesn't like them. He's her brother. He's not same as their father, never. He is her brother. He is an individual. He's not a shadow.)
Bhalla is a lookalike of Maa but his nature leans more towards his father. Gauri worries for him but refuses to speak and meddle unless completely necessary. She knows her boundaries and assumptions never help a relationship. She knows from experience, if she opines on it to Bhalla, he will snap at her and then come back hours later, with a new bracelet in his hands for her.
She fingers the anklets that she received as her heritage from her mother. They make a lot of noise as she moves but even now, when she questions if she is only ever going to be almost her mother, the anklets provide her some peace.
A shadow falls over her and she looks up to see Bhairavrath standing there with his hand extending a leatherskin pouch to her. She looks up at him in question. "Drink some water, my princess," he says, voice timid as if he fears that she will reject him,"the sun is harsh today and you have been sitting under direct sun for an hour."
"An hour?" She asks and blinks. She takes the leatherskin pouch from his hand and sips some water. It doesn't taste the same as the water in the palace, somehow. It tastes better. She gives the pouch back to the boy and stands up. "I suppose we must move to the palace, then?"
"As my princess commands."
Despite whatever she's been thinking, the words provide her a sense of identity. She's not almost her mother. Being almost doesn't mean being absolute. She's Gauri and she's absolute.
It's on Bhalla's fifteenth birthday that Gauri falls and falls and falls in a way that terrorizes her for the years to come.
It's on Bhalla's birthday that a waking nightmare starts and Gauri, Gauri is powerless to stop it.
I'm not really sure about this, so please do tell me if I need to change something or improve something.
I'm also taking requests and tropes so if you've got some in mind, don't be shy to tell me at all! (Yes the fake relationship trope will come from my side🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝)
Tagging: @vijayasena @alhad-si-simran @o-merebholebalam @multifandom-boss-bitch @satanicallysatanicchild
Part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
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ghostlywhiskey · 9 months
Squeaky Steps - Part 2: Spinning (Simon Riley x Fem!Reader)
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,828
Warnings: MDNI 18+ ☆ fingering, grinding (clothed), age gap (23/31), alcohol consumption, semi-dirty talk. let me know if you think anything else should be added.
Summary: It's a few days after Christmas and you, Simon, and your brother along with a few others rent an Airbnb for New Year's.
Notes: AH. My hyperfixation on writing is so strong right now. I fought so hard to keep the slow burn going, but I caved at the end of this part. But, it's fine considering the plans I have...hehe. Again, not fully proofread, but I normally go back and adjust. But, if you see anything let me know! Enjoy & please reblog and like if you enjoy! Your support means the world 🤍
Part 1: Merry Christmas
find my masterlist here
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December 29 
Your brother’s truck pulled into the driveway of the Airbnb that was rented for New Year’s, the tires drawing lines onto the faint coating of snow. Two other cars filled with Simon and Dean’s friends, but you only ever brought your friend Claire as a plus one.
The guys were out of the car within seconds of the engine ceasing. Your passenger door opened before you were even unbuckled. Simon standing on the other side of the door, your eyes meeting through the tinted windows. 
The cold air kissed your cheeks as you stepped out of the truck and feet leaving two indents in the snow. “Thanks.” The small gesture makes you smile.
“Come on! We gotta call dibs on a room!” Claire said as she took her duffle bag from Dean as he grabbed items from the bed of the truck. Soon enough, that girl broke a world record for sprinting as she disappeared through the front door of the home.
“Smart woman.” Simon shrugged as he shut the passenger door. “Go ahead, I’ll grab your bag.” The offer stated like he didn’t think twice. “There’s five guys, we got it.” He finished before you could protest and put a hand on your back to gently push you forward.
Figuring it was easier to just accept his offer, you headed to the house.
When you got inside, Claire's feet on the floorboards upstairs made thud noises, followed by the sound of multiple doors opening. “Any luck finding our presidential suite?” You joked, heading up the stairs. Each stair engaging in a conversation as your feet climb up.. 
Center of the third stair. Closer to the right side of the fifth stair. The sixth step is a lost cause, you’ll skip this step next time. And so on.
“Room down the hall!” Claire exclaimed.
Reaching the top and glancing at all the doors, you make your way to the room. It's a rather large room, the snow outside amplifying the white decor of the room. “God, they are gonna be pissed.” You chuckled, walking over to the bed and letting it catch your body as you fell back into it. 
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Later that night, all of you gathered around the living room. The flames from the fireplace blazing as the wood crackles, but is masked by laughter and friends shouting over each other.
“Ryland, how old are we?” Kelsey groans, rolling her at the suggestion to play seven minutes in heaven. The blonde girl reaches to grab her beer, taking a swing from it. “We’re only as old as we feel.” He raises his beer bottle. “And I’m feeling twenty-one.” 
“Try thirty-one, grandpa.” Another girl, Olivia, snipes back to Ryland’s comment. Your brother nudges Olivia with his foot. “Respect your elders.” Dean teases back. 
A smile on your face as you watch the interaction amongst the group. It comforted you knowing Dean had such close friends despite being gone for months on end at times. Claire was your best friend, the two of you never fans of groups and cliques.. 
Joseph and Liam, another two of Dean and Simon’s friends, stood up from their spots on the couch. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Joseph announces, his speech sounding as if he was buzzed already. “We are gonna play. I don’t care how old we are! Thirty is the new twenty!” He proclaimed, raising his beer.
And sure enough, there you all sat minutes later, playing seven minutes in heaven like a bunch of teenagers. The bathroom downstairs acts as your heaven. If that was what heaven looked like, maybe hell wouldn’t be so bad. 
Simon and Kelsey were in the bathroom currently. Your eyes locked on the closed door. The thoughts in your head clouded and unclear, if anything your brain feels like a planet the way it spaces out.
Claire was sitting next to you on the floor, her leg extended out to kick yours. “Think any harder and you might open the door with your brain power.” She whispers to you. You blink as you return to Earth, looking at Hannah. “What?” You ask, clueless to her comment. Just before she could respond, the door opened. Simon strolled out first with his hands in his pockets, a laugh expelling from his body as Kelsey also laughed. 
Stop being jealous. I’m not jealous. You are so jealous. The voice in your head playing a tennis match.
The two sat back down, before the bottle spun and spun, the same way your head did trying to understand the feeling in your stomach.
The next two hours ticked away, by one in the morning it seemed everyone retreated to their bedrooms. Except you, your hand collected bottles and cans to put into a plastic bag. Bunch of thirty year olds who can’t even clean up. Dean could wake up at five in the morning with no problem, but ask him to clean up and suddenly you’re arguing with a teenage version of him.
As you walked over to the sink, you poured the leftover liquid from a few unfinished cans. The house was silent, encapsulated in darkness besides the dwindling fire. 
The aged floorboards of the stairs crying as a body descended down them. Probably one of the guys based on how amplified the noise was from the weight being placed on them. “Little Walker, do you sleep?” Simon.
Turning your attention from the sink, it focuses on Simon. “I could ask you the same, y’know that right?” You say, referring to your night on the deck on Christmas. “Fair enough.” He nodded, his scent filling the kitchen within seconds as he passed by you. The fridge door is tugged open, the suction making a pop noise and quickly slams as he grabs a water bottle.
“You are not very stealthy for a soldier.” You teased, tying the trash bag of cans and setting it aside. He smirked, chugging half the bottle. “Everyone’s too drunk and sleeping their way into their hangover to wake up.” He pointed out.
“Fair enough.” You repeat his earlier comment.
“How was seven minutes in heaven with Liam?” He asks, asking about one of your partners from the game earlier. “Liam professing his love for Olivia was entertaining.” A smile appears on your face, moving so your back is against the counter and you hoist yourself to sit on top of the granite.
Simon moves so his back rests against the island counter across from you, arms  crossed. “Olivia? Really?” 
“Really. A whole seven minute rundown how he has loved her for the past five years.” Your eyes looking directly into his as the counter provides you height while you sit on it. “How was Kelsey?” The question lingering in your mind since they walked out hours earlier.
“Kelsey was Kelsey.” He shrugged, as if he didn’t give it much thought. Or he is really good at hiding feelings. “She’s like an annoying sister. But, she can be a bitch so we were joking around in there.” If she was like an annoying sister, you must be the leech of a sister. 
“I’ll get it!” You shouted, running to the front door as you heard the doorbell ring through the house. Grasping the door knob, the door pulls open and a smile spreads on your face as you see your brother’s friend, Simon. “Hi Simon!” 
Simon chuckles, reaching to ruffle your hair. “Hey, Little Walker.” He steps inside as you move out of the way. “Is Dean here?” He questions. 
“Yeah! Dean!” Quickly, you run to the end of the stairs looking up to the top. “Simon’s here!” As you shout, Dean appears at the top and quickly rushes down with his basketball in his hand. Zooming past you, he heads to the door with Simon. “We’ll be back!” Dean shouts, hoping his mother and father hear him. “Wait, hey! Where are you guys going?” You pout, hurrying to the door. Standing in the doorway, you watch the 16-year-old boys already headed off the front porch.
“To our friend's house. You can’t come.” Dean says, annoyed. Simon looks at you, noticing your pout. “Don’t frown, Little Walker.” He says, his tone softer than Dean’s. “We’ll see you later.” The two turn, heading off down the street.
“Wow, am I being replaced as an honorary annoying little sister?” You tease. 
“You’re Little Walker. You’re passed the honorary sister mark. I think I’m just stuck with you and Dean for life at this rate.” Simon said, taking another sip of his water bottle. 
Sometimes you wondered who would be Dean’s best friend if Simon never came into the picture. Or, how everything in general would be different. Holidays wouldn’t have an extra seat at the table. The guest room at your house would just be a regular guest room, bare and lifeless. Touched only by the occasional relative from out of town. But, instead, the closet was filled with spare clothes accumulated over the years. Some far too small now for Simon’s adult body, but yet they linger as if frozen in time. A few pictures and personal items sprawled on top of the dresser. His favorite pillow tucked behind the decorative ones. It was lived in. There was no guest visiting, it was Simon and it was his home away from home.
“It wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t stuck with us.” Without missing a beat, you give  the response, genuine and soft. No teasing or sarcasm. Simon smiled, and your head spun again. The feeling in your stomach tightening.
“Well, we should probably get to bed.” Hands gripping the edge of the counter, you slid your body off. After making sure the fire was out, both you and Simon headed to the staircase, you walking in front of him.
The floorboards beneath your feet make no sound up the stairs. One foot placed on the right of the third stair. The opposite foot coming down on the left side of the fifth stair. The sixth step you skip, lunging to the seventh step. And so on.
Unknown to you, Simon watches you closely as you mindfully walk up the stairs. This wasn’t the first time he saw you do this,  but he never brought himself to question it. Nonetheless, he smiled as he followed behind you. Your silent steps are pointless almost as his own steps boomed. 
You both separate at the top of the stairs, no words are spoken. No good night. But something weighing on either of your minds. 
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December 30 
Phone in hand, your eyes were glued to the list of items needed from the grocery store that Dean sent to you.
With everyone else either hungover or lazy, you and Simon were sent out on the mission that was to purchase more alcohol and food. The cart was filled with only beer and seltzers and a handle of vodka at the moment. 
The store was a frenzy, last minute shoppers everywhere before the New Year’s festivities began. You stopped walking for a moment, your dad’s quarter-zip was zipped to the top as you looked like a turtle huddled in a shell the way the lower half of your face was blocked by it. Simon went to say something to you, noticing you weren’t next to him anymore. His brows furrowed in confusion, looking around when he spotted you stopped by the end of an aisle. “Little Walker.” He called out. You looked up from your phone, as you did you slipped it into your bag and walked over to him.
 “Sorry, I was memorizing the list.” You said softly. He stared down at you, gears turning in his head for a moment before speaking. “I’d rather not lose you in a grocery store located in the middle of nowhere.” He chuckled, his hand going to your back, urging you to the front of the cart. “Stay ahead of me.”.
Once you finished grabbing alcohol and enough food to last the rest of the stay at her Airbnb, the two of you sat in the car as Simon drove. Your knees pulled up to your chest as you sat in the front passenger seat, head leaning against the window. There was light snowfall and it stuck to the already present snow on the ground. Simon glanced over at you for a brief moment, taking in how you looked so peaceful just staring out the window. His eyes gazed down, looking at your legs covered by your red yoga pants that were pulled up onto the seat against your chest. The attention on you held longer than it should for someone who was driving, so quickly he looked back at the road. The knuckles of his hands nearly white as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. 
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You, Simon, Dean and Claire were the only one’s left in the hot tub that was out on the back desk. Everyone else had headed inside about fifteen minutes ago, but the four of you stayed back and talked.
Simon’s arm rested on the side of the hot tub, a cigarette between his fingers as he brought it to his lips for a drag. “Alright, I’m heading in. I feel like a damn prune.” Dean said, climbing out of the tub. He glanced at Claire for a brief moment, grabbing his towel and heading into the house.
There was a moment of silence after the back door opened and closed, indicating Dean was no longer outside. Claire spoke, breaking the silence. “I think I’m gonna head in too. Y’know, pruning up.” She chuckled, climbing out and quickly grabbing her towel as she went inside.
You stared at the back door for a moment before you leaned back, your head resting on the built-in cushion. “I’d rather prune up then leave this warmth.” Closing your eyes, you let out a relaxed sigh.
Simon watched as you relaxed, his drag from his cigarette longer this time. As if he was seeing how long he could go before you opened your eyes and would catch him staring. The way a few pieces of hair fell from your bun, your chest wet from the blistering water. He made note of how flushed your cheeks looked, his free hand going under the water to adjust himself slightly. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was his own feelings, or maybe it was both being amplified by each other - whatever it was, he felt like a horny teenager. 
Finally, he took a moment away from the cigarette before he exhaled. The cloud of smoke mixing with the steam from the hot tub. He reached over, killing the cigarette by tapping it on the edge of the hot tub. Your eyes opened and body sitting upright as you looked at him. 
“What?” He said, his voice low as you looked at him. “What?” You repeated, confused. “Nothing.” You added. Is he okay? 
Simon ran a hand through his hair, your eyes gazing at his bicep that flexed slightly. Bless our troops. Shut up. Shut up..do you see this man? Get out of the hot tub. Your brain was fighting itself again. 
Listening to your brain, you go to climb out as your back faces him. “What happened to rather pruning up?” His voice was low again, a tone you never heard from him. The body you controlled for twenty-three years freezing as he asked. Now, it was your turn to ask. “What?” Your voice is soft, laced with confusion again as you turn to look at him. You stood in the middle of the hot tub, looking down at him. 
Simon’s gaze went from your mid-thigh where it started to expose out of the water, his eyes tracing your body and making note of every curve. Then, his eyes finalled locked with yours. The look of you alone consumed him, but he still felt hungry. “You said you would rather prune than leave this warmth.” He stated. “What changed your mind?” 
I want to sit on your lap and…shut up. Shut up for the love of all that is good. One of these days, your brain would shut up instead of telling yourself to shut up.
“I’m tired.” You lied through your teeth, you couldn’t even believe your own lie. Simon’s eyes glanced to the windows, noting no one was inside in the living room. You watched as his eyes landed back on you. Something snapped in him you could tell. His hand extended out, grabbing your wrist as he gently tugged you toward him. As you were just about to fall forward, his hands went to your waist. He steadied you, guiding you to straddle his lap. 
“Tired seems like shit excuse.” He muttered, his one hand moving so his fingers grazed your jawline before gently holding your chin. The gesture controls your attention to stay on him. “I…It’s not an excuse.” You murmur, eyes slightly hooded as you look at him. Dropping his hand from your chin, he moves both hands to your rear, pulling you against him. 
Is that…
Your thoughts come to a halt as he speaks. “Do you feel that?” Simon mutters, looking at you. There is no response from you, your brain can’t process it quick enough. It’s like you were a deer in headlights. The way his erection nestled between your thighs…your breath hitching. “I asked if you feel this.” He didn’t ask this time, instead moved your hips back and forward against him. “Sim-” You couldn’t even finish saying his name. 
Simon smirked, one hand moving to cradle one side of your face and pulling you closer to his. “Tell me not to kiss you.” He said firmly. “I can’t.” The words came out of you without even thinking. “Because you want me to?” An eyebrow raised as he looked at you with curiosity, wanting to know your answer.
“Yes.” It was lower than a whisper, but he heard it loud and clear. He moved your faces closed to each other, his lips grazing over yours. The lingering scent of the cigarette he smoked moments ago filling your nose, but for once it didn’t bother you. Chills ran down your spine, your hands moving to the nape of his neck. Once he felt your hands, he kissed you with slight force as if he had to do it right away or he’d second guess and end this entire moment. Both of your eyes closed at the same time, your body grinding forward against him. The movement causes a soft grunt from Simon, his teeth biting on your bottom lip to tug on before sucking on it. “There you go.” He mumbled, moving from your lips to your jaw. “Do that again.” 
At his request, you grinded against him again and put more weight down on him as you did. He pulled away from your jaw and moved back to your lips. “Fuck, Little Walker.” He spoke against your lips, eyes looking at yours. “Who taught you how to move like that? Here I thought you were such an innocent thing.” He snickered, kissing you again. The goosebumps on your skin felt like they were going to jump off your skin. 
After what felt like ten minutes, but was really two minutes of hungry kisses, he pulled away from your lips, forehead resting against yours. As you both caught your breath, you felt his right hand move to your swimsuit bottoms. His fingers carefully pushed them to the side, but before going further he kissed you. “Can I?” He asked. “What a gentleman.” Teasing him before you nodded against his forehead. “Please.” 
Once you said please, his fingers teased your folds. One finger slid back and forth, adding a second to spread them apart slightly. His eyes never left you, watching your facial expressions as he teased you and making sure you were enjoying it. Moving his head so his lips were on your neck, placing multiple kisses as he pushed one finger into you. A smirk on his lips for a brief moment when he heard a soft ‘ah’ come from you. Letting you adjust for a brief moment, he added a second finger. 
“Simon.” You groaned, hands on his shoulders. The sound of you saying his name in this state had heat rise in him. Never did he think he would have you in this position, but here you two were. His fingers started to pump in and out of you at a slow pace and your thighs started shaking slightly from pure nerves. The hand not focused on giving you pleasure rested on one of your thighs. “Relax, baby.” Simon spoke against your neck, nuzzling gently. The hand moved up and down to massage your thigh to calm you. “Just focus on my fingers.” The fingers inside you moved a little faster as his hand pumped them. When you felt them curl and move as if he was saying ‘come here’, a whimper came from you. “Yes, yes, yes.” You hoped that repeating the words would encourage him. 
And they did. Simon watched you move against his fingers, the water around the two of you in the hot tub hiding what was happening underneath as the jets moved the water around. “Come on, baby.” He curled his fingers in you as he spoke, his eyes focused on your face. Your head tilted back slightly, lips parted as you moaned. 
There wasn’t a single thought in our head as this occurred. You were completely clouded by the pleasure he was providing you. One part of you couldn’t even have a thought because the fact this was happening was enough to put you in shock. “Don’t stop. Please don’t fucking stop.” You begged, the hands on his shoulders gripped onto him tightly as your nails dug into his skin. “Dirty little mouth you got there.” His hand on your thigh goes behind your head, moving to hold your neck to look at him. “You look so good riding my hand. If anyone came out and saw you right now I’d make you keep going.” 
You could feel your walls clenching around his fingers, a knot in your stomach forming. “Si-Simon, I’m gonna..I’m so close.” The cry quickly came out of you, his fingers moving inside you just right to push you closer to a climax. One last pump and you felt yourself come undone, leaning forward against him as you buried your face into the side of his neck, holding in your moans to avoid the sound echoing outside. 
The overstimulation and heat from the hot tub all went to your head, your cheeks flushed and you leaned back to look at Simon as his fingers moved out of you. Your breathing was unsteady as he looked at you. “Hey…you good?” He asked. All you could do was nod as your body leaned back against him, resting your head on his shoulder.
All you could focus on was the spinning in your head.
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1nvad3rz1m · 2 years
Despite you "pulling out of your ass" that aging for your AU for Zim, it actually can be backed up. It's like 113:9=12,55. Yes, technically it's 12,5, not 13, but with that number you can sometimes chose to count with 12 or 13 to make it easier and I can imagine Zim wants to go for the "bigger" number to make himself look more mature. It's not really lying either, because it's pretty close.
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math anon to the rescue! i actually like 12.5 year old zim rounding up lmfao
i can imagine he holds it over dibs head when the conversion is sorted out
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isimp4yts · 4 years
Needing You
draco x hufflepuff!OC
A/N- hi! this is my first chapter of my Draco fanfic that’s on wattpad. It’s called Needing You by isimp4yts. hope you enjoy it! it’s pretty much slow burn and idk if i’m gonna make it spicy yet but it’s definitely gonna be a lot of angst.
Word Count: 1.7k
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Talia was woken by her brother, Cedric, throwing a pillow at her while stifling a laugh knowing full well that the ‘attack’ would aggravate her as she wasn’t really a morning person. As she groaned into the pillow that was thrown at her she sat up a little bit, throwing the pillow to the side.
Glaring at Cedric she barely grumbled, “I was just about to get up you know” and dangled her legs off of her bed reaching for her slippers.
“Yeah, sure you were, either way you’re up now. Come on dad wants you to hurry up and get ready, he doesn’t want to be late”, he said with his voice echoing more as he walked out of Talia’s room.
So that’s what she did, she got dressed and brushed her long brunette hair trying to control the fly aways. Of course there was no need to make too much of an effort in her appearance as she could sort herself out at the Quidditch World Cup when she gets there. She went downstairs and saw her father holding two backpacks, knowing one was hers and Cedric with his own backpack already on.
“Come on darlin’, we have to get there on time, we don’t want anyone to be waiting on us do we?” her father said while rushing her out the door, with Cedric, giving her her backpack.
Talia, Cedric and her father were waiting in a woodland area for some friends of her fathers to meet up with them, well Cedric was sitting in a tree. The boy couldn't sit still for the life of him. Talia kept switching the weight from each leg as they started to get tired, from waiting for so long. In the distance some voices could be heard and Amos stepped forward, greeting the voices.
“Arthur! It's about time son” Amos says to a ginger man with several people following, Talia recognised all the people behind the man but one, however she had never really spoken to any of them even though three were in her year. The ginger man whose name must be Arthur apologised for their lateness and introduced her father to the others. Talia smiled at the three who were in her year, giving them a small nod.
“This is Amos Diggory everyone, he works with me at the ministry”, Arthur explains then moves to gesture Talia just when Cedric jumps down from the tree making her flinch and slap his arm. Arthur reaches his hand out to Cedric for him to shake it, saying “And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?”.
Cedric lets out a small laugh at the compliment, as does Talia, just what he needs, more fuel to his growing ego. Although Cedric is seen as a sweetheart to most, he truly is a nuisance to his younger sister when he wants to be.
“And of course Talia, you must know the kids since you’re all in the same year” Arthur smiles at her, also reaching to shake her hand. Talia smiles sweetly at him taking his hand and simply nods at the older man.
“Merlin’s beard, you must be Harry Potter” Amos says while stepping towards the brunette boy with glasses. Talia knew him purely from the gossip that goes around Hogwarts, apparently the first year he was there he saw You-Know-Who and the second year he killed the Basilisk. All with the help from his friends Ron and Hermoine, to which the students gave them the name ‘The Golden Trio’. Talia stopped listening to their conversation, eager to get going, the group of wizards and witches walked up a hill looking for the portkey, which was a boot. They all held the boot, while Amos counted down. When he reached three Talia felt her head spinning then she let go and gracefully made her way to the ground along with Arthur, Amos and Cedric, while the others landed with more force. The young girl looked at her surroundings while taking a deep breath of air, using portkeys always made her lightheaded. She turns to see Cedric helping Harry up and the boy taking his arm with a smile and thanking him.
The group started making their way to a large field with several tents and Arthur exclaimed “Welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!”. Talia, Cedric and Amos separated from the rest of the group to get their tent ready. The three went inside the tent which was larger on the inside with a bunk bed for the siblings and a normal bed near it for their father. Talia sighed and threw herself on the top bunk bed while shouting “Dibs!” watching her brother shake his head as he headed towards the bed, taking off his jacket and throwing it onto his sister's face.
“Dad! Did you see that! Icky tried to suffocate me with that hideous jacket of his!” Talia shouted, trying to get her father’s attention but failing as he waved his hand at her while he was putting on the kettle, showing that he couldn't bother with the siblings bickering.
“I think you should stop calling me that childish name now Lia, since some people consider me to be rather strapping”, Cedric responded with a cheeky smile. Talia stuck her tongue out at him then climbed down the bunk bed with Cedric’s jacket and proceeded to shove him and his jacket into the bottom bunk and then run away. Cedric jumped back up almost immediately, chasing after his younger sibling but he wasn’t quick enough as she had shut herself into the bathroom catching her breath.
“I knew that comment would go to that big head of yours, do you really want that forehead to get bigger since it looks like that’s where your ego is?” Talia joked while looking at herself in the mirror and patting down her hair.
“Big talk for-”
“That’s enough from you two. Talia come out and have some tea, you too Cedric, I really can’t be dealing with the both of you pissing about” Amos says as he unlocks the bathroom door with his wand pushing Talia out.
The two siblings giggled at how quickly they managed to annoy their father and sat down to have a cuppa tea before they got ready for the Quidditch game. Both the Diggory children misplacing each other's belongings while doing so.
The Diggory’s went into the stadium, to find their seats when they saw Arthur and the others also looking for their seats. They could hear Ron asking how far up they were when an arrogant voice could be heard from below them. The Diggory’s went to catch up with the Weasley’s and Co. when they saw Lucius Malfoy making a comment to the lot.
“Father and I are in the minister’s box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself” a voice next to Lucius said. Draco Malfoy, quite the peculiar child, found it incredibly entertaining to make others' lives miserable with snide comments on anything from their appearance to their upbringing. Harry, Ron and Hermoine gave him a cold look, while Talia just stared blankly at him. She didn’t really have a problem with Malfoy since they were partnered together in Potions in second year for a project. Of course at the start she wasn’t too fond of the boy but she didn’t want to judge him from the way he treated her and everyone else in first year, she knew people could change. A problem with Talia was how she was very optimistic and gave almost everyone too many chances to prove themselves to be a better person. Draco also wasn’t too fond of the hufflepuff at the start, as she was too happy all the time and it made no sense to him that someone could be so joyful. But the two warmed up to each other, well as much as Draco can warm up to someone, he didn’t pester her and was no longer mean to her. In fact he didn’t really say much to her unless it was related to schoolwork. What neither wanted to admit was they found each other rather interesting as they both lived such different lives and treated people so differently, they didn’t realise people like the other existed. They both had mutual respect for each other as they went on with their lives both being studious and having their separate friend groups and going on with their lives without bothering one another.
Lucius snapped at Draco telling him to stop boasting, and put his head down with a grim look on his face, brows furrowed. The elder Malfoy then told us to enjoy ourselves and went off to the minister’s box while Talia and the others made their way to their seats. Cedric nudged his sister while they continued up, and said “pleasant bloke that Malfoy is isn’t he” to which Talia replied “which one?” and snickered at her remark. After being blessed with the presence of Lucius Malfoy she understood why Draco was, well Draco. She decided to forget about the encounter and Draco’s interaction with his father and got herself riled up for the game.
After the game Talia decided to go to bed early since she was exhausted from all the travelling she had done that day, but the early night didn’t seem to happen since she was shaken by Cedric so she’d wake up.
“Icky, piss off would you-”
“Get up now, we need to get out of here” her brother interrupted her, his eyes wide. She sat up and saw her father worrying and telling them to hurry up. Cedric pulled her down and held onto her arm running as fast as he could into the woods, dragging his sister with him. Their father barely catching up to them, Talia kept looking back to make sure he was still behind them and that they didn’t lose him and saw black figures flying in the air. Cedric finally stopped, pulling his sister behind a tree and signalling his father to join them as they all crouched. Cedric noticed his sister shivering and he didn’t know if it was from fear or being cold. Either way he engulfed her in a hug making sure she was safe while looking at his father who looked back at the field trying to figure out who caused the attack.
“Dad, do you have any idea what that was?” Cedric questioned while trying to calm down his breathing.
“I have no idea son” Amos replied then placed a firm hand on his daughters shoulder to try and comfort her.
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mx-o · 4 years
》 nct ot21 mafia! au
》 warnings ; a lot of suspense.
》a/n: i’m sorry i took so long but i’m back with this little bit for now and will update later in the week with part 2. if you ever get confused or have questions, my asks are always open!
word count: 1.8k
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four, part one
[beijing, china; jan 16, 10:32]
“hello?” ten answered the phone quietly.
“you’ve arrived, i’m assuming?” taeyong asked on the other line. ten hummed in agreement at him.
“there’s something i need for you to do, but they’re with you, aren’t they? johnny and sicheng?” he questioned again. ten could feel johnny and sicheng closing in on him now. he’d been on the phone too long and they’ve realized something was going on. he had to choose his words wisely. he hummed again, followed by a soft ‘yes’.
“this one is for you and you alone. you’re only allowed to answer with yes or no from now on, do you understand?” he spoke sternly over the line—deeply and slowly.
he hummed yet again, but with ‘mhm’ this time. to be honest, ten was a little scared to speak with the other two around and with taeyong’s tone, he only wanted to ask questions.
“words, ten. use your words.”
“yes, sir.” the other two’s ears perked up at that. they figured out who he was speaking to for the least.
“i’ve sent kun and taeil in my place. i have some business to attend to here. i’ve already spoken to them about this. i’m sure you already know i’m sending yuta along from japan also, yes?” ten hummed quietly, acknowledging the fact. “he was supposed to bring doyoung with him as our financial advisor since i need jaehyun here in seoul. the problem is, however, that yuta told doyoung that he wasn’t needed in beijing since you, him and yukhei would be there and would be able to handle it on your own. and while i agree with that, he’s disobeying my orders.”
ten sighed, taking in the information. the two boys who had leaned in on him had not moved a muscle since. he tried his best to ignore their presence and listen to what taeyong was saying.
“i spoke to mark and he confirmed that two people boarded the flight in tokyo. you understand what you need to do, yes?” taeyong finished. ten gathered that he liked asking questions. nonetheless, he nodded.
realizing the man couldn’t see him, he answered, “i’ll look into it.”
[jan 17, 08:31]
“on your toes, boys,” ten commanded his ‘thai trio’ as he calls them. he put on his brightest smile. standing before them. he turned sharply on his heels, now facing the large double doors of the dining room of one of nc tech’s newly constructed hotels in the beijing area—where one can live the dream. ten didn’t fully understand why they bought a chain of hotels but made a mental note to ask kun when he sees him next, which in any case, is in less than thirty seconds.
he pushed open the doors to the dining area to be met with a beautiful face. she was almost the same height as him, her brunette locks falling effortlessly on her shoulders. she held what he assumed was a menu in her arms, against her chest. smiling at him, she moved aside, making way for the four men, and following them as they walked to the centre of the dining room.
the scent of fresh linens whirred through the room as they walked past all the empty tables to the one at the very middle of the hall. the white tablecloths spread across every table with the sun’s electrifying brightness from the skylight above the entire room, made the space look much more open than it really was. they arrived at the table that sat the two men, dressed in jet black suits and slicked back hair.
the hostess stood at the table and motioned for them to sit down, saying that she would be back shortly for their orders. the table was round, large enough to sit eight people but had been adjusted to seat the six men, and so they were spaced a little further than usual. ten sat first of the four, taking his seat next to kun, with taeil on the right of them both. sicheng sat beside ten, johnny on the right side of taeil, sandwiching haechan between them at the only other seat.
“you’re a minute late,” was the first thing kun could say to great them all. typical, ten thought.
“i’m sorry, hyung. i was a little delayed by these three here. you see, they all somehow called ‘dibs’ on the front seat. but it was clearly mine,” he joked with his elder. he laughed delightfully. it was airy and sweet, much like kun himself.
qian kun was one of the initial investors in neo culture technologies. he’d been friends with taeyong for a long time before, as he visited south korea often with his family when he was young. no one is completely sure, but most of the company believe that he’s the reason neo culture even exists as it is today. he was persistent and always was looking out for his brother, and well—his investment. like a lot of the other ‘founding members’, he worked hard to reach where he is now. kun was the director of all drug and narcotics operations for all of the region. technically speaking, he held the same amount of power as taeyong did, just in his division.
“i remember back when we were still young and stole taeyong’s car that one time, we all fought over who could get the front seat. i guess things don’t change sometimes.” taeil chimed in, holding his arm out on the table, toying with his wine glass and letting out a light chuckle. the light from the skylight above them made taeil’s faded orangey-brown locks look a little more golden than usual. the sunlight was the reason the moon shone anyway, wasn’t it?
moon taeil was the stone-cold softie at nc tech. he was one of the two rare people who taeyong held more respect for. both taeil and johnny were the only two people older than taeyong and it showed in the way they were treated. both him and johnny rose ranks easily and was also always the ones their CEO would come to for advice. taeil, however, was kept nearby. he had an insane mind for war tactics and had a knack for things that involved a fight. it’s not quite the personality that suits his features. he was gifted, to say the least—nimble fingers that wrapped easily around the handles of guns, small lips that hid the glints of mischief that shone through the darkness, perfectly round and sharp eyes that ever missed a target. moon taeil was as celestial as the name suggests, and taeyong noticed that the moment he laid eyes on the elder.
it was easy to fall.
“hyung? you stole a car? i never thought you would ever do that!” the youngest jumped at the opportunity to learn about his seniors and all the bad things they’ve done.
“oh no, channie-ah. you see, that was taeil hyung. we all knew if any of us had done that taeyong would’ve blown a fuse. he just likes to include us in his childish endeavours since he misses his youth so much,” ten defended himself. taeil scoffed at the mention of him missing his youth. it was true, but he’d long forgotten about that.
“ya! don’t lie! you were just as much a part as any of us,” kun piped in again, defending taeil. they all laughed at the comment. truth is, everyone except donghyuck knows the story. it was one of those memories that had made them as close as they are now and something they bond over often.
“but we all pinned the blame on taeil anyway,” he finished, quickly taking a sip of his water, and looking away from the death glare taeil shot his way immediately after. all defence down the drain, they all chimed in with their laughter again.
it was a blissful moment in retrospect.
their conversation had gone along smoothly, laughing about old memories as they waited for their orders. but even amidst the chatter and banter, there was still that little bit of suspicion in sicheng’s mind about all of this.
honestly speaking, did ten, kun and taeil need to be here? this was a regular transaction that was supposed to occur just like normal. did taeyong suddenly doubt sicheng’s ability to do his job on his own? and why the hell was yuta flying in too? none of this made any sense but he couldn’t exactly right out ask them about it.
“why are you guys here?” sicheng asked, picking at his steak with his fork, not looking at them. the table fell silent. there goes not ‘right out’ asking about it.
“i’ve been wondering that too, since i don’t usually follow my shipments. that’s a winwin thing, not me,” johnny added.
ten lowered his fork from his hand, placing it down with a clank. kun and taeil looked up at them both—unreadable, while poor donghyuck just reached for his water glass, pretending to drink from it to avoid the situation.
“i hadn’t even thought about that part. so, tell me, does taeyong not trust us anymore? or do you not trust us?” sicheng continued. he looked up at ten, meeting his eyes and leaning into his seat, waiting for his answer.
“this has nothing to do with you—” ten started, cutting himself off to glance at kun for an answer. he sighed in defeat, not knowing how to explain this. his weakness for sicheng gets to him easier than he thought.
“what ten is trying to say is that it’s none of your concern why we’re here. we’re following orders just as you are, that’s all,” taeil spoke calmly.
sicheng tensed. none of this sat right with him. “am i not allowed to know why you’re on my ass about this shipment? obviously there’s something else that i need to know about it if you’re here, am i wrong?”
“it’s not—”
“ten, don’t,” kun stopped him again.
“what’s going on here, seriously? do you not trust me? us?” sicheng asked again, calmer this time. johnny held off on the questions, knowing how ten would react just by gauging the situation.
ten turned fully to kun now, eyebrows furrowed, and shoulders raised. what was he plotting?
“hyung, we should at least—”
“no, ten. you’ll be disobeying orders too,” taeil stated plainly.
“too?” johnny and his damn good observation skills.
“so, we’ve done something wrong?” sicheng’s persistence had become a bore to them now.
“winwin, remember who you’re speaking to,” taeil warned.
he murmured a soft ‘sorry, hyung’ while bowing his head. he knew very well that he was pushing his limits, but he needed to know. he wracked his brain for answers for the past day and a half and he just couldn’t stop now.
“hyung please, just tell me. does taeyong not trust us anymore?”
“it’s not you he doesn’t trust,” kun started, exasperated.
“it’s not who, who doesn’t trust?” a new voice spoke, emerging from behind donghyuck—who’d been ‘drinking’ water this whole time.
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arpmemething2 · 6 years
Walking Dead Sentence Starters
Send one in for a response from my muse.  These are primarily from the TV show, seasons 1-8.  This meme was also specifically designed to be able to be used by any kind of muses, not just muses in a zombie apocalypse and almost all of these could be used in other situations as well so feel free to reblog it or send them in regardless!
"You called me a whore and a rugmuncher"
"Down, now."
“There is no hope and you know it now, like I do, don’t you? There is no hope for any of us.”
"Anger makes you stupid. Stupid gets you killed."
“You better watch your mouth, sunshine.”
"If I had known the world was ending, I would've brought better books."
"I don't know what the hell's going on in the most wonderful way!"
"We're not gonna kill you, we're not gonna hurt you. You're gonna rot in a cell."
“People with nothing to hide don’t usually feel the need to say so.”
“You talk about the weight of what you have to do, how you can handle it. A bad man, someone truly evil? They’re light as a feather. They don’t feel a thing.”
"My shit never stopped being together."
“You want to kill me, you’re going to have to do better than that wrench.”
"I thought you were a cop, not a lawyer."
“They’re gonna feel really stupid when they find out… They are screwing with the wrong people.”
“It’s a Cherokee rose. The story is that when American soldiers were moving Indians off their land on the trail of tears the Cherokee mothers were grieving and crying so much ’cause they were losing their little ones along the way from exposure and disease and starvation. A lot of them just disappeared. So the elders, they, uh, said a prayer. Asked for a sign to uplift the mothers’ spirits, give them strength and hope. The next day, this rose started to grow right where the mothers’ tears fell"
"I fully respect the hair game."
“I just couldn’t leave this behind. It’s too damn gorgeous.”
"Never bullshit a bullshitter."
“I’m not showing you my leg, at least buy me a drink first.”
“Sit down or I’ll put you down.”
“Shoot me again, best pray I’m dead.”
“I’m supposed to be delivering pizzas, man.”
"All life is precious."
“Little Ass Kicker. Right? That’s a good name, right?”
"Dibs is dibs."
“Son of a dick.”
"Get out? How you got in."
“There is no right; there’s just wrong that doesn’t pull you down.”
“I’m glad i didn’t say goodbye. I hate goodbyes.”
“Ain’t that right, sugar tits? Hey, honeybunch, what say you get me out of these cuffs, we go off somewhere and bump some uglies? Gonna die anyway.”
"It hams my biscuits."
"You're a man of God. Have some faith."
“I’ll bake them a cake, with pink frosting. Would they like that?”
"You're my brother."
"When you were pouring the Bisquick, were you trying to make pancakes?"
"Look at the flowers."
"When you care about people, hurt is part of the package."
"I got plans for you."
“If they can’t make it, we’ll just take this place.”
“Yeah, you see eleven condoms; I see eleven minutes of my life I’m never getting back.”
“The pain doesn’t go away. You just make room for it.”
“You can breathe. You can blink. You can cry… Hell, they’re all gonna be doing that.”
“Adolescence is a 20th century invention.”
"I'm tied up and you've already expressed the desire to stab me in the head!"
"The pessimist looks down and hits his head. The optimist looks up and loses his footing. The realist looks forward and adjusts his path accordingly."
“What’s he gonna do? Kill me for committing suicide?”
"You earn what you take."
"People in hell want slurpees.”
“Do what what you’re gonna do. Then go to hell.”
“You don’t have to throw yourself out of a moving car… to feel like you’re calling the ball."
"He's already given me fleas."
“Don’t you want one more day with a chance?”
“I don’t know why I do the things I do; I’m a damn mystery to me.”
“Nah, I can shoot. Just don’t like to.”
"I'm well aware of that."
“That’s how it is, isn’t it? You always think there’s one more peanut butter left.”
“Well, pardon me young man, excuse the shit out of my goddamn French, but did you just threaten me?”
"Truth is, I don't know what I'm lookng for."
“I think we should make some new rules before they get back. I hereby declare we have spaghetti Tuesdays every Wednesday. First we have to find some spaghetti.”
“I ain’t going to have your first drink be no damn Peach Schnapps.”
"That asshole is out on the street with the handcuff keys?"
"You're not the good guys. You should know that."
“Bright side, it’ll be the fall that kills us. I’m a glass half full kinda guy.”
"You can lose a lot of soldiers but still win the game."
"Sucks, don't it? The moment you realize you don't know shit"
"If it looks easy, don't do it. Don't let the world spoil you."
"I don't cry anymore."
"Heaven is just another lie, and if you believe it, you’re an idiot.” "
"We could make another deal."
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drmcbones · 7 years
brotp meme: Chekov and Scotty :D
man i love these two i’m glad you asked
who steals french fries off the other’s plate: scotty. whenever chekov tries to retaliate, he’s told to respect his elders.who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple: whenever they get this question, chekov pats scotty on the shoulder and says ‘see, papa, i told you that you do not look that old.’ scotty gets his revenge by coming up to chekov when he’s flirting and telling him that it’s time for his nap.who has to bust or bail the other out of jail: keenser. chekov and scotty should never be left alone together, because they both end up under arrest or in medbay.who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues: scotty tries, then realizes that he has no dating advice to offer, then just talks out of his ass. this is probably why chekov is so hopeless at romance.who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes: they both do, but chekov is better at it.who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk: you can bet your ass that tiny little whiz kid chekov developed hella dibs game early on in life.who starts and who wins the pillow fights: chekov starts them whenever he can see that scotty’s had a bad day and he lets scotty win.who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush: chekov. he thinks scotty can use all the help he can get. it rarely ends up being actually helpful.
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johnny3fingers · 7 years
I Learned from my Dad
Father's Day is always a little difficult since I lost my dad to cancer in 2009. The pain of the loss still stings. It took me a while to be able to appreciate what he actually meant to me. Of course, I loved him and the immediately feeling of grief was an indication of the impact he had on my life, but only in retrospect can I see the full scope of his influence. I learned everything from my dad. I learned how to have a sense of humor and laugh at myself. Also, I learned that laughing at others is okay as well just as long as you ask if they are okay first. I learned that leadership is not always doing what is popular, but rather what needs to be done. Are people going to talk bad about you? Yep. Is that a justifiable expense for doing the right thing? Absolutely. I learned that rank has its privilege. This was Dad's way of saying "respect your elders". Dad gets dibs the comfy chair. Dad has final say on all dining options. I learned how to be a father. Dad was firm, but fair. He was generous without spoiling me. He taught me that it isn't the job of a father to dictate what their child does for a living, but rather that a father is there to help guide and facilitate their child as they pursue their passions. I also learned that it is okay to look your kid in the eye and tell them that baseball might not be their thing despite the size of the dream. (Of course anything can be substituted in there for baseball.) Reality is not your enemy and it can point your child toward other avenues to explore where there passions actually meet their giftedness. I learned that family comes first and sometimes that doesn't look like you think it should. Sometimes putting family first means you miss a ballgame so you can go take care of your business in order to provide for your family. It sometimes means long nights at the office trying to ensure a future that is easier for your kids than it was for you. Then again, sometimes it means putting all of that away and taking 2 weeks to travel with the family (even if you do hit every payphone in Wyoming to make sure everything is going well back at the office). I learned that my wife comes first within the family. Children are arrows in your quiver that will eventually be fired. Your wife will be with you until death. It's okay to put your kids second to your wife. It's good to gross your kids out with public displays of affection. It's okay for a grown man to hold his wife's hand and skip through a parking lot like he has a mental problem. I learned that everything is meaningless unless God is a priority and sharing the gospel is your mission. Dad wasn't an in-your-face, bible thumping Christian. He went to church and conducted himself with integrity. He led me to the Lord on a hillside of our farm while out on a walk. He followed God's command to tithe even when it was a lot and never made a big deal of it. As he laid in bed in his last months, he shared the gospel with friends and he shared with me the regret of not doing that more throughout his life. I learned that I do not want to share in his regrets as I am sure I will have enough of my own. Was my father perfect? Absolutely not. But he was the father that God gave me. I choose to follow God's command and honor him for all that he was and not condemn him for anything he wasn't.
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